Google and co. amaze us with their accurate searches. Time and again you search for something so obscure that you are sure the g-man can’t find it.
But although we are getting good at searching for infomation this doesn’t mean that we are good at having the right information available when we need it.
The next frontier will be tools that help this happen. Wouldn’t it be nice if before congress is about to go to war, Scott Ridders analysis comes in and slaps the group in the head.
This idea could have profound consequences, but would also help in the day to day.
As you code a problem, the IDE can tie into the reverse searcher, and it can start to help you out, ideally based on what others have done (wisdom of crowds). I have talked about the clippy for IDEs before, which is really a subset of this idea.
We need callbacks that could run as fast as a Google search to alert us before we do anything silly or wrong (are you SURE you want to send that email to your girlfriend? are you SURE you want to send that email to someone who isn’t your girlfriend?).
I am sure others are thinking and implementing ideas like this. If I had the system it would be able to tell me this! “Do not bother posting submit. It has already been talking about in X, Y, Z”.
December 27th, 2006 at 1:07 am
Dear Webmaster
I am Honey Blaine webmaster of
I have added your link here :-
As you know, linking benefits both of us by raising our search rankings and generating more traffic to both of our sites.
My link information is below:
Title : Let us find people in Australia for you
Desc : People search Australia with the No.1 people finder Australia knows and trusts.
HTML code for the above information is :
Let us find people in Australia for you – People search Australia with the No.1 people finder Australia knows and trusts.
Awaiting for your positive reply with exact URL where my link is present.
If you are not the concerned person, please forward my email to your webmaster.
Thanks & Regards,
Honey Blaine
January 4th, 2007 at 11:30 pm
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March 19th, 2007 at 4:01 pm
i am and still will be amazed how google can make a search in over 10 millions sites. truly awesome.
July 27th, 2008 at 10:47 pm
Thanks for sharing your tips. It’s tips like yours that make the difference for people. Cheers and well done.
October 26th, 2008 at 9:34 pm
Correct me if I’m wrong but you seem to be talking mostly about information that is publicy available. This data is made available by the authorities for good reason. Making it easier to access can only be a good thing.