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May 10

Gluesphere Express

EJB, Java, Tech Add comments

I had a double take when I saw the news that IBM has purchased Gluecode.

IBM is really looking to do something different here. Maybe it is just an experiment with opensource, or maybe something more fully planned.

One of the most interesting parts of the press release is the graph:

Is Gluecode really less that WebSphere Express even??? hopefully not for long!

This makes it look like a migration path too. It will be interesting to see how the brands are marketed (”If you like Gluecode, why not upgrade to the full blown WebSphere”????).

Again, we can read into:

Continuation of IBM’s open source strategy

IBM is making a major commitment to Apache Geronimo as the Open Source application server of the future. The Gluecode team will continue to be major participants in the Apache Software Foundation

One Response to “Gluesphere Express”

  1. Bitter Says:

    A pattern emerges: IBM buys a product, modifies it, and releases it as open source in a state that makes their commercial products look good.

    See also Cloudscape/Derby.

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