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Sep 23

George W Bush and John Kerry are both Essex Boys!

British, Personal, Politics Add comments

I know a lot of Essex Boys aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. So it seems to make sense to me that Dubya is actually an Essex Boy. But I was really surprised to hear that Kerry also has heritage in Essex.

In fact, both Bush and Kerry are related. Back in the 1600’s the common ancestor of both candidates hailed from Wickford, Essex, England.

For those who don’t know what the hell I am gabbing about… Essex is a county that borders the Greater London area. These counties are known as home counties, and Essex is where I come from.

Essex boys are known as being likely lads, and Essex girls? Well, think of the blonde jokes, substitute s/blonde/essex/g and you will have the same jokes.

Lovely jubly!

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