Why we need Skype on the iPhone Addressbook History goes into the cloud with App Engine
Jun 16

From Beer to Wine; Flying App Engine from Europe to Napa

Adobe, Google, Tech Add comments

I have had an interesting week to say the least. I had the pleasure of joining the Adobe On Air tour of Europe in Prague. It was my first time to the city, which is a beautiful blend of east and west Europe.

The Adobe mini-conference was held at a great brewery, and we got the tour the night before. The Czech folks take their beer seriously, and they are the inventors of Budweiser, but don’t hold that against them…. their Budvar is actually good (and not like having sex in a canoe!)

Beer Taps

After checking out the taps, we got to taste the beer, which ran smooth. Holding the actual event at a brewery also means that you open up the taps in the afternoon, which gets the crowd in a good mood indeed.

After train rides shared with women and their pets, I got to another place known for beer. Sitting in the Biergartens of Munich, with full Litre jugs to wash down the Currywurst. It was bitter sweat to soak up the Euro 2008 footy action, what with our lads not being there at all.

The event was fun again, as I got to talk more about App Engine to the crowd:

Del Dotto

After a week of beer, I found myself back state-side and on a bus full of Googlers to Napa for an offsite. We ended up at Del Dotto Vineyards where the owner took us on a wild ride of fine wine.

Right at the beginning you will hear him say:

“You guys here do software and that kind of stuff? This is going to blow your mind”

This was one of the finest meals and wine tastings that I have ever had. I can’t recommend it enough! Now, I am ready for some water for the coming week…. until I head to Mexico and Sao Paulo, which will mean Margs and Caipirinha?

One Response to “From Beer to Wine; Flying App Engine from Europe to Napa”

  1. ci Says:


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