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Jul 10

Facebook AppFactory

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Salil Deshpande, friend and Bay Partner, has launched a new seed program specifically for Facebook applications.

Facebook inverting itself to become a platform is going to go down as an ingenious move and it has changed the entire landscape. This is just the beginning. You can bet that the API will get better and better.

It is quite fascinating to see the social network evolve in front of your eyes. It has gone from “the site that my sister in law and her college buddie friends use” to one that I sign up for, and then see people in my parents peer group!

If there is One True Social Network, then tools need to let you chop up that network (there are some apps that do this already). If I am going to run for office, I may not want people to know that I am part of an S&M group for example. This is the last frontier that makes LinkedIn different… the notion of work versus play. There is a good chance that: a) people won’t care, and b) the tools will allow you to slice and dice when you need it.

I can’t wait to see what Salil funds!

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