iPhone thoughts… after more usage The Apple Balance isn’t in the iPhone: You, and your mum
Jul 02

Email Pointers are Evil

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It always drives me nuts when an application sends you an email with a link that points you back to the application and the link is info that could have just been placed in the original darn email.

Facebook does this with its messages. Just put my silly wall message IN the email. Please.

Michael Arrington has the same complaint about Pownce:

Pownce also does something that I find highly annoying. By default, you receive an email message every time you get a new friend or receive any sort of message. My inbox quickly filled up with dozens of emails telling me I had a message. But to read the message I have to click on a link and go to the service. The only reason for that is to generate page views. It

One Response to “Email Pointers are Evil”

  1. Dr Nic Says:

    Hmm, perhaps we could write a gmail/firefox plugin for each “known offender” that automatically fetches the page, and inserts it within Gmail message as an iframe.

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