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Apr 05

Dynamator: HTML – code separation

HTML, JavaScript, Tech, UI / UX Add comments

Dynamator 1.5 has been released.

Dynamator is a simple tool that can be used with any page generation technology to completely separate HTML from server code. Dynamator transforms HTML or XML files into server pages or programs. It can generate JSP, XSL, Velocity, and even plain Java.

Dynamator 1.5 features major performance improvements, syntax validation, a documentation refresh, and a large number of minor enhancements and bug fixes.

It looks similar to XMLC. I am always a fan of technologies which leave the HTML as HTML. This way designers can dink around, viewing something that looks like the real thing without having to go through a round-trip.

Using the id=”x” approach definitely gives you this ability (like XMLC, and Tapestry with its jwcid=”x”).

It is also interesting that you can use Dynamator with many page generation technologies and it is “build-time”.

2 Responses to “Dynamator: HTML – code separation”

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