Spring, EJB 3, and the future Duo Pizza Teams
Mar 30

Don’t quite get Yahoo! 360

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I was invited to Yahoo! 360, so went over and setup an account.

It is interesting to see the merging of features, but I don’t really get how I would actually use it.

I am not going to use their blog now. I am not going to go through the pain of inviting everyone to the social network yet.

I do think that in the future it may be more compelling. There is a chance for them to merge this with My Yahoo! It would be tempting if I had ONE place to go too:

  • View news / rss feeds
  • Create new blogs (which get put up here automatically)
  • Comment on any forum/blog
  • Merge social networking with other services like LinkedIn
  • One stop shop to view email, address book, etc

They could do it. This version isn’t quite there for me though…

3 Responses to “Don’t quite get Yahoo! 360”

  1. anand raman Says:

    another fad, will die soon (the same way orkut did). I think it only makes sense for some one who had loads of time on their hands. For me the contacts list on my messenger does the job


  2. Abbas Says:

    Hey Dion,

    I am working on putting up a catpcha on my company’s app. I am trying jcaptcha, where the backgrounds are horrible. I am rewriting the background etc. Are you using any public library? I want to have the same background and font, if it is available already.


  3. Jonathan Aquino Says:

    I don’t want to go with a kitchen-sink portal. Web 2.0 is about small pieces, loosely joined.

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