Open Source Java. Time to move on? Gmail Mobile: My Wish List
Nov 14

DeprecatedCafe: Finally :)

Java, Tech Add comments

Now that we have OpenJDK, what would be your perfect JDK to create?

I would love to create DeprecatedCafe or BackwardsCompatIsForSuckers versions of OpenJDK than clean out the crud.

And then, change items such as java.util.Date to use a new version that actually works, and then ….

We could clean it up and call it what… SeaSharp ?

3 Responses to “DeprecatedCafe: Finally :)”

  1. Chris Maki Says:

    I agree with you on the java.util.Date class, can there be a worse class to work with? Maybe its java.util.Calendar I’m not sure.

    So can we nominate you to clean up Dates in java :-)

  2. huaying Says:

    ” -The true and evil monster second kill free exchange evil monster world to

    order card, need of come in quickly!!!


  3. Niels Harremoës Says:

    Personally, I think we need a version with a lot more operators. We have a language that supports full unicode, yet we only have 20 or so operators.
    Why isn’t there a standard operator to implement such operations as

    x = x + 1 % n
    x = x * 10 + digit[i++]
    i = ( flags & (0xFF << n)) >> n

    We should definitely have operators for all of these and many more – and with unicode, we can. Just use some of those weird thai characters that only 70 million or so people know how to pronounce anyway.

    Would this be a good place for a smiley?

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