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Jul 02

deliphone: iPhone Bookmarks

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I use for bookmarking. I am not about to start using the iPhone browser bookmarks thank you very much.

I should have looked harder for a to Safari syncer, and then when I sync my phone it would pick them up.

Instead, I whipped up a simple tool that sits in cron and generates my bookmarks for me using the API.

Then I can just go to in the browser and I have my bookmarks. Like #{name} " end end links.join "\n" end

I use the style from David Cann. I hope to see a nice iPhone skin soon, that would take all of the UI of the phone (blue and red buttons, arrows, (X), etc and CSS it. Then, you could wrap a body class=”iphone” and things would look nice by using simple ul, li combos, and special CSS tags. Life would be good. I also need to add scrolling and the like. And this should be a service and not a script in cron :)

3 Responses to “deliphone: iPhone Bookmarks”

  1. andersonoscar5 Says:

    CALL us ‘Naive’ but everything within us detects a flaw in the logic. We expect at some point the North American cell phone/internet communications will undergo an attack. Pershaps not the year 2007 but in these years to follow.

  2. Christopher Allen Says:

    What was your tool written in? Do you think I could get you to whip up something that I could put at that would display all items tagged iphonewebdev?

  3. jackie113 Says:

    The iPhone’s three built-in sensors: accelerometer, proximity, and ambient light, improve the user experience by doing smart things without the user intervening or even having to think about them -typically Apple

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