Safari on Windows GSpreadsheet: JavaScript Helper for Google Spreadsheets
Jun 13

Custom Search Engine that automatically knows what to site restrict

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I have been waiting for this for awhile. You can now create the list of sites for a custom search engine on the fly.

This search below should search through my blogroll on the left (which I never update but that is another issue to do with me not generating the list from my opml feed like I should).

E.g. search for something like ‘gears’. How it does this on the fly is quite impressive.

3 Responses to “Custom Search Engine that automatically knows what to site restrict”

  1. beyondwww Says:

    It is really cool(Customized Search engine)!! Well I reached your blog through your comments on Google gears at Carnage4Life, and I think you would definitely want to have a look at Dekoh which also gives you a platform to share your applications with your community.

  2. shark12er Says:

    “Thanks for uploading this, it gave me something to read on my lunch break.”

  3. replicahandbags Says:

    i’m still wondering why some webs got result branches like “more results from…” when certain keywords applied in google engine.

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