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Apr 15

Consilidation in the Open Source Java Stacks?

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Dealing with Java CIOs

I was talking to a friend that does a lot of work in the realm of Open Source Java. He is someone who talks to people high up in the chain, and discussed how a lot of the CIO folks are getting a bit confused with the offerings. They had gotten used to JBoss. And, now they get Spring. But, they keep getting bombarded with more things. Next they had Mule, and Groovy.

Get some of these guys in a discussion about Mule vs. ServiceMix and they froth. Spring did something smart via Spring Integration, but maybe it is time for some consolidation? SpringSource + MuleSource + G2One? SpringyMule?

2 Responses to “Consilidation in the Open Source Java Stacks?”

  1. Stephan Schmidt Says:

    In June 2007 I wrote as a comment to someones blog post:

    “I believe the Java stack started with Apache incubating alot of projects and incorporating even more (like lucene). JBoss followed by buying open source developers (Hibernate, the King) and Spring almost started as a stack.

    Obviously in the last years all stack providers aimed to complete their stack and reduce the risk that their users would switch to another stack or incorporate technologies from another stack.

    Beside Apache I think you forget the Grails stack. From my feeling it’s much faster growing then the JRoR stack.”

    One year later I still believe this is the way things flow in open source Java land.


  2. radyo dinle Says:

    I believe the Java stack started with Apache incubating alot of projects and incorporating even more… you’re right stephan

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