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Mar 12

Competitious on Rails Tech Talk

Ruby, Tech Add comments

Kris Rasmussen and Andy Holt from Competitious gave a SDForum tech talk on their experience with Rails.

They start out talking about their site Competitious and then jump into things. A few pseudo-quotes:

  • “Rails actually scales quite elegantly”
  • “Maintainability is an issue…. harder to debug”
  • “We chose Rails as I got tired writing configuration code”. The component dream didn’t work out for me in Java
  • “We built the first version of Competitious in 3 weeks”
  • Problems: refactoring is hard, heavy processes, takes work to make production ready, does not support some complex queries, fetches all the data, all the time, so it is easy to over-query the DB.
  • Production check list: use automatic deployment, filter_parameter_logging :password, store session in memory, cache data, make web server store the static files, security reviews (don’t rely on with_scope).
  • Acts as everything: acts_as_notable, acts_as_loggable, acts_as_securable, acts_as_taggable, acts_as_mediable
  • Biggest performance issue: Waiting on other services: ObjectCache.cache(key, CACHE_TIME) { third_party_stuff } (Alexa goes down a lot)
  • Timeouts: status = Timeout::timeout(3) { Net::HTTP.get(url) }
  • Asynchronous Polling: startup a new process/thread to communicate with the third party service. Use backgroundDRb (lightweight)
  • JavaScript Templates: define_js_template(”our.tmpl”) / render_js_template. Share the view.
  • Activity Logging: model: acts_as_loggable :name. controller: Media.with_logging(:user => @current_user) { .. }

2 Responses to “Competitious on Rails Tech Talk”

  1. Bob Gongaware Says:

    I Love Techno and Drinking, I Like to hang out with my boyfriend/girlfriend Kevin depending on the day of the week, um I like to dress up wearing superhero drag and I have a slight case of Jaundice and P.E.

  2. Paul.b Says:

    This tool is very neat. It helps us organize information about our competitors in a more efficient manner.


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