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Apr 13

Calling and comparing the UI for GOOG-411

Google, Tech Add comments

The UI for voice systems often bugs me, so after the GOOG-411 launch I wanted to see if the lean, user driven UI of other Google products had made it through to this one.

Below I compare it to another 411 solution in the same space, and whatever happens, I think it is safe to say that 411 service will be changing for the better because of the Google offering. I admit to being someone who: a) rarely uses 411, and b) normally just dials 411 itself.

One related observation is that using letters for numbers (e.g. GOOG-411, FREE-411) can be great, but if you are on a real keyboard such as a Blackberry, it is a pain in the backside as you have to work out the number!

Here I am sitting in a garden next to a lemon tree playing with my phone:

ps. I forgot to mention that I tried to get Carrot Top to do this youtube video but he wanted to charge $70k for it.

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