Book review: AspectJ in Action Microsoft running Linux?
Aug 17

Back from being stuck in NYC, after JDO meeting

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I have had a very interesting week+. I have travelled a lot more than I would have liked, and had the misfortune of flying via NYC when coming home to Boston (on Thursday night) after the JDO pre-expert group meeting. I landed just after the power went out, and then went through a process od trying to find: another flight, rental car, train, car service, or horseback ride to get out. The hotels were even filled.

I spent hours at the airport, and was getting ready to sleep there for the night (not a nice thought, especially since there were cockroaches all over the floor at LaGuardia). Then my mobile started to work a couple of times, and a GREAT friend made a sacrifice. She came to get me (from a LONG way away). As soon as the bridges were opened for traffic, she came over, picked me up (along with another woman who always wanted to get to Boston) and we drove all the way back to Beantown.

It was a rough night, but I was SO happy to get home the next morning, and NOT having to sleep in the airport, or fight for flights the next morning. One of the weirdest sites was seeing the manhattan skyline, all black, silhouetted with the night sky behind. In these times you really appreciate how much you become attached to technology. It was driving me nuts that I was so out of touch from anyone/anything. Very scary. Thank god people were well, and this wasn’t another 9-11 or anything like it.

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