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Jul 28

“AOP is just the stuff that makes OOP work”

AOP, Tech Add comments

I had a nice chat with Jon Tirsen. We talked about Groovy, AOP, Domain Driven Design, LISP, Ruby, Sydney, and bad beer.

Side Note: Aussies don’t care for Fosters:

Fosters: Australian for crap

and their Victoria Bitter is a lager not a bitter!

Anyway, while talking about http://intentsoft.com/ Jon came out with the above quote:

“AOP is just the stuff that makes OOP work”

I am really looking forward to getting the Domain Driven Design and seeing how it fits into the Microsoft DSL stuff.

One Response to ““AOP is just the stuff that makes OOP work””

  1. Nathan Lee Says:

    G’day Dion,
    Yeah, you can tell an Aussie usually by their shaking heads when hearing “Fosters, I LOVE fosters” from the yanks or poms ;)

    Track down some james squire or redback or something instead (though good luck finding that outside australia)


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