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Apr 01

Optimistic Adcurrency: Google and Oracle partner to create AdSense for Databases

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Chris Anderson thinks that the future of business is free, and Google continues to drive the advertising business model.

Today, Google has partnered with Oracle to give yet another vector for advertising, close to the content, from your database.

There are two distinct services involved:

AdSense for DB Delivery

The AdSense for Oracle Recommendation Engine creates indexes close to the content in database tables (that you can tune). These indexes contain recommended ads that are pulled along with the data when you query it.

Imagine a shopping cart system that has the AORE installed. When the cart software queries for products you get the advert back in the result:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%Wii%' LIMIT 1
| name         | price   | quantity | ad                                                                                                 |
| Nintendo Wii | $499.99 | 2        | Buy Nintendo Wii Now, Wii In stock, Ships Same Day, Free Shipping & No Tax, |

Since this is at the database level, you have full control on how and where to place the ad in your product (not only Web products, this could be in rich desktop clients).

I expect to see hybrid options where people can get the free ad supported software, or pay to not see the ads.

But this is only half of the offering, we also have…

AdSense to DBAs

As we worked on the engine, we quickly found that DBAs themselves were very good targets for advertising. To supplement your Oracle licenses, you can turn on AdSense to DBAs which turns on the ad column for all tables as a way to directly advertise to the DBA running the queries.

SELECT * FROM accounts LIMIT 1
| name         | number      | amount   | ad                                                                                                 |
| bank         | AO203943456 | $333.98  | Remote DBA Oracle Support: supported by the most respected DBAs in the industry   |

We believe that this will be the revolution known as optimistic adcurrency.

5 Responses to “Optimistic Adcurrency: Google and Oracle partner to create AdSense for Databases”

  1. Mark Holton Says:

    Where can I sign up? I have a use for this right now. Please keep us posted on this topic, this is excellent and something I have been waiting for to target some specific keywords and products. Looking forward to the release

  2. dkaz Says:

    Best April Fool’s I’ve found

  3. dkaz Says:

    you might want to stop all users with “meds” in their home page URL

  4. Rob Castaneda Says:

    Nice one ;-)

  5. Jack Says:

    Yes, it cool joke:)

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