I am always frustrated when I see “input” being the metric of choice at companies, and in projects.
Paul Graham talked about this in his talk at OSCON (a lot of good stuff there).
An obvious example that I saw in a different sphere, was seeing a great football (soccer) referee having to quit the big time because he was past the age restriction.
So, no matter if his performance in games are top in the league. Or, if his eye-sight is tested and it is fine. Or, if his fitness is fine. It doesn’t matter. Turn a certain age and YOU ARE OUT.
For gods sake, kick out the refs that are not performing, not the experienced ones that are.
I see this kind of thinking in corporate world all the time.
March 15th, 2006 at 8:25 am
Judging someone incompetent is very hard socially. People will avoid it all costs. A simple coldly applied rule frees people from the responsibility of being judge and executioner.
January 4th, 2007 at 7:13 am
hi …………..