sendMultiRefs with Axis 1.1 for .NET interop “Please press the Square key”
Apr 07

AspectJ 5 M2

AOP, Java, Tech Add comments

The AspectJ train keeps rolling. The team has announced the second milestone release:

We’re pleased to announce that AspectJ 5 M2 is now available for download at

The changes in AspectJ 5 M2 since M1 are numerous, and the highlights are listed below.

* Full source compilation of Java 5 programs (with the “-1.5″ option)
* New Xlint warning when advice does not affect any join points (and the @SuppressAjWarnings annotation to suppress it) (-1.5 only)
* @this,@target,@args forms changed from @this(@Foo) to @this(Foo)
* Full support for annotation binding as context in @this, @target, @args, @annotation, @within, @withincode
* Declare annotation (declare @field, declare @method, declare @constructor, declare @type)
* Declare soft does not soften runtime exceptions
* pertypewithin instantiation model
* performance improvements resulting in reduced compilation times
* aspectpath has been extended to accomodate directories as well as jar/zip files
* many, many bug fixes

The AspectJ 5 Developer’s Notebook has been updated to reflect the updates. So many people have contributed ideas, suggestions, and bug reports to M2 that it’s impossible to list you all – but you know who you are, so thank you. Come 1.5.0 final we’ll put together a roll-of-honor :)

For examples of some of the new features in action check the following links:


and also the AspectJ 5 Developer’s Notebook:

Thanks and stay in touch,
The AspectJ Team.

Some of these features are really great. I love the @annotation stuff, and the pertypewithin instantiation model.

aspectpath has been updated. I wish that these classpaths could be directories that CONTAIN .jar files too (as many people have wished).

4 Responses to “AspectJ 5 M2”

  1. Adrian Colyer Says:

    Interesting idea… so you’d like aspectpath to automatically pick up any jars contained (directly?) in a directory on the aspectpath? We could do that…

  2. eu Says:

    Its better be declarative list of jars (like Maven’s pom) or simplified alternative aspectpath=somejar.jar;@otherjars.lst Where @otherjars.lst is a text file with list of jars (relative or absolute).

  3. Dion Says:

    Or ASPECTPATH=some/dir;somefile.jar;some/dir/%.jar

    (* would get screwed up by the shells)

    Or maybe just having a seperate name for these magic dirs:


    (and it would grab all jars in there).

    Adrian: You can get that changed for CLASSPATH too right? At least in the IBM JVM? ;)

  4. eu Says:

    BTW, @filelist semantic is supported by most of sun tools (javac, javadoc, and so on).

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