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May 04

Zoe: Google your email

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Tom Malaher has brought up Zoe in Google your Email.

Zoe is a really cool app that uses Lucene to index the hell out of your email. And, all on the client side… without Google Ads bothering you.

Zoe (and GMail) are hopefully the start of the New Email Clients. It is time for a revolution in email. Folders just don’t cut it.

I talked about this back in MetaMail: What I want in my email client.

Now if you put together something like Zoe + something like Flow… hmmm….

2 Responses to “Zoe: Google your email”

  1. CASINO Says:


  2. Kris Oribabor Says:

    ZOE.professional is going revolutionize corporate email just like GOOGLE did to the web…..

    Visit for the new ZOE!

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