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Apr 16

The business view on J2EE versus [insert shiny technology here]

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I spent part of the week with a company in the Video on Demand space, putting together a case study of their J2EE application. It is interesting in many ways, one of them being that has a large deployment, and they use JBoss as the application server.

What was particularly interesting was to yet again get a view of how business folks see J2EE. They wanted to see “standard” J2EE in the application. They weren’t looking for the latest and greatest (e.g. Tapestry/Spring/Hibernate layers).

Their thoughts:

“This technology is going to have to be around for a long time. J2EE will be here (and people skilled enough to code in it) 10 years from now. Will there be people who understand Spring?”

It makes you think. Does the industry standard have a large leg up in this regard, or is everything “legacy” as soon as it is out of the door anyway?

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