Since I am still in London, my sarcasm quotient extends just a little more than usual (it’s pretty high in the US to start with, even if it is the “lowest form of humour”).
I had a fair amount of email from people, and saw some blogs, complaining about the fact that Google App Engine currently supports Python only. On the video, and in the docs, it is frequently mentioned that other languages are to come, and that the infrastructure itself is language neutral. We have to start somewhere!
I personally have a slight Ruby preference, but there is a funny thing about Python. Hardly anyone really hates it. It may not be the language of choice for many people, but a lot of people are telling me:
- Ah, was hoping to try more Python
- I was looking for an excuse to code a Django app
- I can deal with that. Thank god you didn’t force Java
This is a little like the iPhone SDK being Objective-C. People are picking it up. I think this happens then your desire to play with the new toy is greater than your religion!
I am very excited to see more languages and features on Google App Engine, but I know that I just have to be a bit patient, and in the meantime, I had been looking for an excuse to code a Django app.
April 10th, 2008 at 9:54 am
I’m pretty much in the “anything but Java” camp (although Groovy looks cool). I haven’t done anything substantial in Python, but at least it’s dynamic.
April 10th, 2008 at 10:14 am
There seems to be quite a lot of votes for Groovy and Grails.
Let’s keep voting :-)
April 10th, 2008 at 11:05 am
As much as I would like to see ruby support come quickly (slight bias, it’s my main language), the fact that it’s coming in python first gives me a good excuse to try it out a little bit more, especially with I/O coming up.
“your desire to play with the new toy is greater than your religion” gave me a chuckle. :)
April 10th, 2008 at 11:08 am
Manual trackback:
April 10th, 2008 at 11:48 pm
The Parrot developers would be happy to help Google deploy Parrot on the App Engine.
April 11th, 2008 at 10:03 am
Who cares what the language is? It’s the API lockin and the horrible license agreement that make this a really bad idea for… just about anyone.
April 15th, 2008 at 3:34 pm
funny stuff. …have to confess i’m one of the Rubyists that pinged you on email… that made me laugh even harder (sorry man!)
Rather than rushing to grok Python though, I’m going to still focus on Ruby with Rails, Merb…plus items like Rubinius, metaprogramming, distributed Ruby, etc etc… there are a lot of exciting things going on there too, personally want to focus on that rather than switching gears into Python this year. I dig Python, but for a dynamically typed language, I’m enjoying digging deep into Ruby.
June 25th, 2008 at 7:37 am
The Parrot developers would be happy to help Google deploy Parrot on the App Engine<a href=”技术
March 10th, 2009 at 9:45 pm
I have to admit that I did not take python seriously in the past. Mainly bcoz of my background in Java and .Net. I tot python is just a little script language that will go away. I am totally WRONG. I spent a week exploring app engine and python and realise it (python) can do everything that I wanted to do. And the more I deal with it, the more I like the language structure. And I do feel more efficient using it.
Imagine a world where our organizations enterprise application sit on the clouds. This will save a lot of datacenter $$. Of course the other side is whether we will be totally locked in to a specific cloud. but whatever the case, I urge developers to take a closer look at python. Also see the rise of python article here.