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Sep 07

Java vs. PHP vs. Rails vs. Ajax. I can make my graph do anything

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JavaLobby has a post titled And The Fastest Growing Web Framework Is… which discusses Rich Hightowers blog on the subject.

Of course, I can play with numbers like the best of them.

If we start with “Java JSF”, “Java Spring”, Ajax, and Rails, we tell a story that JSF is beating Rails, Spring is above both, and Ajax is doing better than them all (as it is general).


Then we change the game by adding PHP, and it is right up there with Ajax.


Then we use “Java” and “JSF” by themselves (same for Spring), and we see Java way up in the lead.


Finally, we change the scale to be relative, and we see hyper growth for Ajax compared to relative flat growth of the others.


The moral of the story? The good old truth about lies, lies, and statistics. Don’t even get me started about what job numbers means, and how good Indeed’s data may or may not be. How about we focus on just solving business problems? :)

3 Responses to “Java vs. PHP vs. Rails vs. Ajax. I can make my graph do anything”

  1. Matt Raible Says:

    “Rich” Hightower eh? That’s an interesting typo.

  2. navot Says:

    I would like to draw your attention to another alternative which is a paradigm shift for AJAX front ends. One should be aware that I am not, and do not pretend to be objective, never the less I believe that one can judge for himself. Visual WebGui is an open source rapid application development framework for graphic user interfaces of IT web applications. VWG replaces the obsolete paradigms of ASP.NET in both design-time and run-time which were designed for developing sites, with WinForms methodologies, which were designed for developing applications. Thus enabling designer that was designed for application interfaces (WinForms designer) instead of a word documents (ASP.NET designer). This provides the developer with an extremely efficient way to design interfaces using drag and drop instead of hand coding HTML. Visual WebGui is an AJAX frame work that doesn’t expose logic, data or open services on client requests and therefore is not as vulnerable as common AJAX solution. Visual WebGui is an AJAX frame work that doesn’t expose logic, data or open services on client requests and therefore is not as vulnerable as common AJAX solution. Visual WebGui is an AJAX frame work that doesn’t expose logic, data or open services on client requests and therefore is not as vulnerable as common AJAX solution. VWG presentation layer is de-coupled and instead of standard browser it can, and will run Silverlight.
    NO!!! Visual Webgui is not!!
    A component library – It is a complete revised approach to developing web applications.

    A JavaScript generator – It runs on the server controlling the browser using a small static JavaScript kernel.

    For developing sites – It was designed to provide for developing IT web applications GUIs.

    A closed / locked-in framework – It has many extensibility features, which allow integration of legacy resources (ASP.NET or DHTML resources) and the development of custom controls and behaviors.
    Worth a look at http://www.visualwebgui.com,

  3. saurabh purnaye Says:

    great research .. thanks

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