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Feb 05

Two very different social picking applications

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I touched a couple of very different social applications that choose good content.

New Age

The new kid on the block is the Supervote which is a YouTube app that let’s people send in their ranking on the superbowl commercials.

Aside: I thought they were almost all poor. If I was a high-up and marketing came to me saying “we need $2MM for a superbowl commercial” I think I would say “if you show me a creative commercial that will be talked about for months after the superbowl, then we can talk”.

Back to supervote. It is a simple page that let’s you go through the various superbowl ads, watch them inline, and knock them up or down as you go. Then you send in your thoughts. Social ranking in short order.

In Former Times

(I love how Germans say ‘in former times’).

I have been in various rental cars, and realised that an interesting social picking phenomenon takes place there.

I get in, and hunt for good radio stations. Where is NPR? Scan. Scan. Scan. You have the 6 presets (plus a second 6 on FM2 and more on AM normally) and lots of stations fighting for those 6 slots. As new people get in, they make their choices. Some will stay the same, some will change (preset one probably changes the most, as many ignore the rest).

This doesn’t just happen in rentals, I imagine the same thing is going on in zip cars and the like.

Radio Presets: the digg of the old school :)


One Response to “Two very different social picking applications”

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