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Feb 14

Apple ships faster than expected MacBook Pro

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Thanks Steve.

Better still, prior to shipment we’ve improved the entire MacBook Pro family
with configurations starting at 1.83Ghz up to 2.16GHz. We have upgraded your
MacBook Pro from a 1.83GHz processor to a 2.0GHz processor at no additional
cost! We anticipate shipping your upgraded order by February 28, 2006.

Maybe the extra speed is just a stalling tactic? Instead of having it shipped tomorrow, we have to wait until Feb 28th? :(

2 Responses to “Apple ships faster than expected MacBook Pro”

  1. Mark Denovich Says:

    I would be having a lot more fun laughing at the roller coaster ride the people on Mac forums have been taking in the last few days… if I wasn’t one of them.

  2. Paul Says:

    Actually, if you order the 2.16GHz I think it will ship *faster*! At least, on the day of the announcement it said 3-4 days (vs. weeks for the others). That could have changed by now, of course…

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