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Feb 08

What’s up? Global news

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We (Ajaxians) recently got asked how hard it would be to port a Flash app to Ajax.

The application in question is What’s up? a very cool view on news streaming out all over the world.


5 Responses to “What’s up? Global news”

  1. Dan Moore Says:

    So, what’s the answer? How hard is it?

  2. Brent Ashley Says:


  3. Phillip Calçado Says:

    Liked the sample news :)

    Cheers from Rio de Janeiro

  4. Rob Sanheim Says:

    my estimates:

    In Java: 4 months with two crack developers.

    Ruby on Rails: 2 hours on a triple mocha, 3 hours without.

  5. Rob Sanheim Says:

    forgot on the RoR estimate – thats without a keyboard, using the mouse only and that onscreen keyboard thing. And a 12″ green screen monitor.

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