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May 02

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

TV / Movie Add comments

Eric Gunnerson has hit the nail on the head with his Hitchhikers review.

I didn’t think it was bad. It was average. It was a homage to itself.

I love Tim from the Office playing Arthur Dent. Ford Prefect wasn’t great, and Zaphod really was bad. I never envision him as a dumb texan, but rather as somewhat cool (why would Trillian go for the idiot!).

The biggest problem was that it really wasn’t that funny. I was into it at the beginning, but it got a bit boring over time, and it missed many of the great lines/parts.

However, it is a BLOODY hard task to put this on the screen, so all in all they didn’t do a bad job.

2 Responses to “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  1. Chakra Yadavalli Says:

    Check out http://www.h2g2.com (Hitch Hiker’s Guide to Galaxy) of BBC.co.uk

  2. Jonathan O'Connor Says:

    The best version was definitely the radio series. I remember tuning in to BBC Radio 2 (not so easy in Ireland) every Saturday morning to hear it. Your imagination filled in the images in ways Hollywood can only dream of.

    The books weren’t bad either. But the TV series really stank. And Zaphod’s second head was pretty pathetic too.

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