Grrr. Trying to turn off logging messages :) Rush and Wait, or 14 Again
Dec 12

Spring 1.1.3 Release

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The Spring point releases keep flowing. Maybe one more before Spring 1.2?

I will have to tweak one of my maven project.xml’s to 1.1.3 and see if all of the tests are happy :)

I’m pleased to announce that Spring 1.1.3 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release in the 1.1 series; most importantly, JDK 1.3 compatibility is fully restored. Among the new features in this release are:

* added “setResourceLoader” method to GenericApplicationContext, for overriding the default resource loading strategy
* added FileSystemResourceLoader, resolving paths as file system resources rather than as class path resources
* BeanWrapperImpl automatically registers a default ResourceArrayPropertyEditor
* added CustomCollectionEditor, by default registered to convert between Set, SortedSet and List (when necessary)
* added “fileEncoding” and “propertiesPersister” properties to PropertyResourceConfigurer
* reworked DefaultListableBeanFactory’s “getBeansOfType” to return FactoryBean instances when passed a FactoryBean type
* DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser resolves “set” tag as LinkedHashSet on JDK 1.4, falling back to HashSet on JDK 1.3
* factored out AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext as base class of AbstractXmlApplicationContext
* added “setIgnoreUnknownFields” method to DataBinder, enforcing request parameters to match fields when turned “false”

* added “execute(ConnectionCallback)” method to JdbcTemplate, allowing any kind of operation on a given Connection
* added DB2SequenceMaxValueIncrementer, implementing the DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer interface for a DB2 sequence
* fixed Hibernate/JTA synchronization to also work with EJB remote transaction propagation (with >1 thread involved)
* added “transactionConfigClass” and “transactionConfigProperties” customization properties to SqlMapClientFactoryBean

* added optional “proxyInterface” property to JndiObjectFactoryBean, for exposing a proxy rather than the plain object
* added “lookupOnStartup” and “cache” properties to JndiObjectFactoryBean, allowing for lazy lookup on first access etc
* added “codebaseUrl” property to HttpInvokerClientInterceptor, specifying a URL for dynamic class download
* added support for dynamic class downloading to AbstractHttpInvokerRequestExecutor and its subclasses

* DispatcherServlet by default cleans up request attributes after include request (configurable via “cleanupOnInclude”)
* UrlBasedViewResolver supports a “forward:” prefix too, for forwards to other controllers through special view names
* added “attributes” (Properties) and “attributesMap” (Map) properties to UrlBasedViewResolver, for static attributes
* InternalResourceView performs an include if the response has already been committed (-> forward not possible anymore)
* JstlView and TilesJstlView respect a JSTL “localizationContext” config in web.xml, checking those messages first
* added overloaded “createVelocityContext” and “exposeHelpers” methods to VelocityView, with passed-in servlet response
* added “toolAttributes” property to VelocityView, taking attribute name / tool class name pairs for tools to expose
* added JasperReportsXxxView to allow for convenient rendering of CSV/HTML/PDF/XLS web views with Jasper Reports
* added MappingDispatchActionSupport class, as convenience subclass of Struts 1.2’s MappingDispatchAction

Have a look at the changelog for details.


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