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Oct 05

Laszlo Platform Goes Open Source

Open Source, Tech, UI / UX Add comments

Wow. Laszlo Platform Goes Open Source.

This is really cool news, and is smart from Laszlo in my opinion. Before this they were competing with traditional app development, and more expensive frameworks such as Macromedia Flex.

Now that their platform is open source, many more people will take a look and find out how good the platform is.

It is interesting to watch companies make the move from:

“We provide commercial software. Pay us per seat”


“The software is free. But we can help and add value that way”

I really hope Laszlo is successful. If you want to check out the wave of Rich Internet Applications give it a try.

One Response to “Laszlo Platform Goes Open Source”

  1. fraz Says:

    Yep, great news indeed. Thanks for sharing this, Dion!

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