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Jul 13

DDL from OO Design

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Merrick talks about generating DDL from OO design.

Letting a computer generate stuff never seems to be a perfect scenario :)

The names that it generates are never human readable. Assumptions are made without context, and you will never be totally happy with it.

So, if you really care about these things then you have two choices:

  1. Don’t use the tools!: That’s right. Do the DDL yourself and the mapping to your OO model
  2. Generate, and then fix: You can use the tool for a quick skeleton and then go through changing things. This can sometimes take more time!

I *do* like the auto-gen when I am doing prototypes / playing around as I don’t even have to think about the DDL then. In this scenario it is a nice feature for the OO mapper to have.

One Response to “DDL from OO Design”

  1. Dion Says:

    Good point. This falls into the “tweak it yourself” category.

    Thanks for giving us the tool to do this with Hibernate btw,


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