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Jun 23

Cleaning up patterns: Bye bye Factories with AOP

AOP, Tech Add comments

Bob has written about refactoring dynaop Factories using dynaop.

It definitely feels that many of the patterns that are out there, are hacks to get around a lack in the particular language/system that you are working with.

Factories are definitely an annoyance for me. Having to create factories for various types is just a pain, especially when they are often trivial implementations.

I really like how I can use introductions/mixins with certain languages. I then really like being able to:

  • Setup an interface
  • Have the interface contain an introduction which can handle returning an implementation of that interface

2 Responses to “Cleaning up patterns: Bye bye Factories with AOP”

  1. buy plavix Says:


  2. Cartier replica watches Says:

    I really like how you can use introductions/mixins with certain languages.

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