Lots of space in Yahoo! Mail Spring has updated its JDO support
Jun 16

Enjoying the Spring community

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I have been working with Spring more and more, and one of the best things about it isn’t the technology itself. The community is a pleasure.

On the mailing lists, I have been in awe of how helpful people are. Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller are machines on the list. I swear that they have clones that just sit on the list helping people out, while their other selves have a day job / work on the Spring code itself.

I also really appreciate how fast they add features / flush things out. If you sit on CVS HEAD you feel the waterfall of code, and see things evolve in front of you.

The “Spring guys” also aren’t religious. They don’t say “use Spring”, “How could you NOT use Spring”, “You have an EJB app? you are a moron”, etc. Hell, in Rod’s new book, he is very careful not to “push” Spring on the reader at all.

Spring is a very pragmatic approach that gives you a lot of a la carte functionality, allowing you to plug in and out other pieces.

Great job, and thanks.

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