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Jun 02

Sun will open source Solaris

Open Source, Tech Add comments

Jonathan Schwartz has said:

“I don’t want to say when that will happen,” Schwartz said in a press conference in conjunction with the company’s SunNetwork conference. “But make no mistake: We will open-source Solaris.”

If they did this a few years ago it could have been huge. Time has moved on, and I wonder how much of an impact it will have. Solaris is a good OS, so it can only be a good thing for everyone.

Of course, not only do we not know when it will happen, but we don’t know how. It won’t just be “here is the source code. go wild”. They want to keep Solaris “standard” as well as open source.

Read More:

Sun warms to open source for Solaris

Sun COO Schwartz Promises Open Source Solaris

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