EJB 3.0: POJO + IoC? What about Spring then? Reinventing the wheel, and how if we didn’t we would be riding on square ones?
May 03

Fancy a pack of cards with Hani and Marc Fleury as the jokers?

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TMC asked the community to name the movers and shakers in enterprise Java.

Then a lot of discussions ensued on who fits where into a deck of cards, where each suite has a different meaning (see below). It was kinda fun to do, and should of course be taken with a pinch of salt (whether you are the 4 or 5 of clubs doesn’t mean anything :) ).

One fun part is that the jokers are Hani and Marc Fleury. Playing cards with this deck will be fun!

TMC Announces Who’s Who in Enterprise Java 2004

TMC announced today the Who’s Who in Enterprise Java 2004 award winners. Published as a deck of cards, individuals are recognized and honoured under the categories of Contribution (Hearts), Power & Influence (Spades), Entrepreneurship (Diamonds), Pot Pourri (Clubs) and Jokers. A lot of known and unknown deserving people are recognized, including a few surprises.

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