Pragmatic NUnit, and JUnit improved? No Child Left Behind: Listening to the Secretary of Education. What a shame.
Apr 22

JSR 243: JDO 2.0 has a number

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There has been a lot of ground-work leading up to the JSR for JDO 2.0 getting put up to the JCP. I had no idea that this amount of work went into a JSR even before it was officially a JSR!

Due to this effort, I think people will be pleasantly surprised at how fast the group moves from here on out, as a lot of agreements have already taken place.

Hopefully JDO 2.0 will offer a nice standardized world for transparent persistence, which is what a lot of people want.

Sun renews its commitment to JDO with version 2.0

10 Responses to “JSR 243: JDO 2.0 has a number”

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