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Mar 18

RE: Is Groovy a threat?

Groovy, Tech Add comments

Cedric points out that just because the Groovy JSR was submitted DOESN’T mean that it will be accepted.

He thinks that Sun will probably turn down the JSR as they see it as a threat.

Personally I don’t see it as a thread to Java. In fact I see it as the opposite. One proof is in Cedrics own statements about Ruby.

Don’t get me wrong: I am a Groovy fan. Ruby used to be my scripting language of choice and over these past years, I have accumulated a certain number of Ruby scripts that are working really well, but right now, I can’t think of any reason to use Ruby when I have Groovy.

I feel exactly the same way. I really like Ruby, but I haven’t touched it recently… since I had Groovy at my finger-tips. It isn’t because Groovy is “better” as a language…. it is because I can now reuse all of the Java code that I have laying around. Even better than that, I can choose to write code partly in Java, partly in Groovy (again, as Cedric mentions wrt ejbgen.jar).

So, Groovy has actually kept me working MORE on the “Java Platform”. Does Sun care about the platform…. or the language? I know what one I would care more about.

I also agree with Brian when he says Get it right — Groovy is endorsing the JCP.

This is a two way thing….. and makes the JCP move towards being a valid standards organization, versus being Sun’s Java toy. If the JCP (and this ISN’T JUST SUN) accept this JSR, it will say a lot…. and all positive in my book.

3 Responses to “RE: Is Groovy a threat?”

  1. James Strachan's Radio Weblog Says:

    Sun, the Groovy JSR and concerns over implementations

    Multiple Implementations of Groovy There’s been another concern expressed recently over how many implementations of Groovy will there be – what if there’s only one? Just to be clear, its the EG’s responsibility to make a great spec and a reference impleme

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Calling Groovy a threat to Sun is like calling bookmarks a threat to the publishing industry. It’s absurd. I’m sure James Gosling is quaking in his boots.

  3. zrumjcsbhsk Says:

    5P3hhe tbijnjxudbqe, [url=]kufhicfgibpj[/url], [link=]qnkrjidvcebo[/link],

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