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Jun 24

Using a JMS Provider with MDBs via the J2EE Connector Architecture

EJB, Java, Tech Add comments

Debu Panda has written an article on Using a JMS Provider with MDBs via the J2EE Connector Architecture.

You often find that once a technology is fairly mature, changes in version don’t get as much attention, unless they are a rewrite like EJB 3 ;)

The latest versions of J2EE Connector Architecture, JMS, and MDBs make the technologies a lot nicer to use. It is great that we can write MDBs that use messages that are not JMS messages.

I also like the fact that with JMS 1.1 we don’t have the two parralel object trees of Queues and Topics. It is a lot nicer that you can use the MessageProducer/MessageConsumer which works with both point-to-point and pub/sub. Now I don’t have to tweak my client code if I change the publishing model.

A nice article…. *go to page 2 to get to the real meat*.

One Response to “Using a JMS Provider with MDBs via the J2EE Connector Architecture”

  1. James Strachan Says:

    Agreed! With the Queue* and Topic* APIs JMS 1.0.2b was a little painful to use. Now JMS 1.1 is much nicer, now its finally got a polymorphic API across Queues and Topics!

    And thanks to JCA we don’t have to struggle with J2EE container specific ways to configure different JMS providers. We can all just use RARs.

    From a purely selfish perpsective, this also means if you work on an open source JMS 1.1 provider (hint hint: :), you’ve much less work to do to integrate it into any J2EE 1.4 container :)

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