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May 15

Super Size Me

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After celebrating Emily’s last class at Harvard, we swaggered into the cinema in Harvard Square to see Super Size Me.

The movie is a documentary that is very much in the style of Michael Moore. Morgan Spurlock (mini-michael) wrote and directed this piece, which delves into the issue of diet in America.

Just like the Michael Moore movies, it uses humor to cut close to the vein. Morgan decides to go through an experiment on his body. He eats MacDonalds 3 times a day for a month. He puts on 20 pounds in a matter of days (he limits his exercise to that of “normal” americans). By the end, all of his vital numbers are crazy (cholestral etc).

The scariest part is when he delves into the kids of today, and how they are brainwashed. The majority of school lunches are painful to see. Really scary.

So, if you want to shock your system into not wanting a Big Mac (or even the salad or parfait) for a looooong time, then this will do the trick.

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