Andy making a “Case for Mail Services” in JBoss Snickers Marathon?? Screwing with my brain and the past
Feb 23

Joda Time: Decent date support for Java?

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Joda Time is a new open source project which tries to give Java developers a decent Date API.

It is true, the Java Date utilities are painful to use in many cases. It is a shame that we have to resort to various packages that are out there. The fact is that what we have in java.* is “standard”, so what a pain to have to use something else.

From the Joda Time docs:

Date and Time handling is fundamental to many applications. However, the classes supplied in Java have always been weak. Date should have been immutable, like String. Instead, it has many deprecated methods. Calendar makes accessing ‘normal’ dates difficult, due to the lack of simple methods. Calendar also has some strange performance characteristics.

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