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Dec 12

Java SE 6: I don’t need any beans with my Java

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“Download Java SE 6 with NetBeans IDE 5.5 today”

Don’t force this stuff down peoples throats.

How many downloads of NetBeans are people clicking on the wrong download link?

10 Responses to “Java SE 6: I don’t need any beans with my Java”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    whiner. Can’t click on the right button? I can. (but I also use netbeans). It’s the first link in the list of downloads, the bundle comes second.

    Where’s the complaint about Weblogic shipping their JRocket JVM with all editions of WebLogic?

  2. x Says:

    WebLogic doesn’t brag about the number of downloads of JRockit.

    Sun does brag about NetBeans downloads (since they can’t find enough users to testify).

    Definitely evil in my book.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    You have to give Sun credit where it’s due.. netbeans ISN’T the first download anymore. Also, since they just open sourced everything.. they get some leeway in my book.

  4. Jeff Turner Says:

    The URL “” works for JDK 1.5, but unfortunately there isn’t a 1.6 equivalent yet. I submitted a request for this to be added.

  5. an Eclipse-user Says:

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Mr. Dion Almaer!

    Look at the openjdk-website. Full of NetBeans-marketing too. And then look at Eclipsezone: plenty full of NetBeans-marketing.

    Each I time I go visiting the eclipsezone-website there is a big fat NetBeans-promotion on top of it. I can’t even remember seeing eclipsezone WITHOUT that promotion! People visiting eclipsezone want just do that: visiting an Eclipse-related website with Eclipse-related content, right? So how come that EACH AND EVERY TIME you go to eclipsezone there is a NB-announce there? Anybody care to explain?

    Btw I never saw a Microsoft-announce there, strange isn’t it? You would expect marketing-stunts like that from the Redmond-titan. What would happen if Javalobby would be flooded with Microsoft-announces i.e. for VS.NET? Not very difficult to imagine the reactions of the JL-readers when that would happen.

    And how come that OpenSource-projects are doing that kind of aggressive marketing? Does buy announcements like that? FOSS-projects don’t do marketing at all. Now who pays these announces then? The NetBeans-community?

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Gimme a break, you can’t seriously think they wouldn’t try to market their own stuff when you download software from them.

    Grow up.

  7. warelock Says:

    It’s not that we don’t expect Sun to ‘market’ their own stuff. It’s just that NetBeans is such a totally useless piece of crap. It will never replace Eclipse as the IDE of choice, nor will it ever compete with the various specialized vendor IDEs.

    Speaking for myself, it gets tiresome seeing SUN pushing something so unecessary – it just adds to the noise and it’s hard to understand why they bother. What’s the point ? Are they trying to prove that they can improve the unbelievably lousy NetBeans of yore and produce a real tool ? OK, I believe you. Are we done yet ?


  8. Rob Sanheim Says:

    Interesting that all the dissenters with dion are posting anonymously.

  9. anjan bacchu Says:

    hi there,

    What’s wrong with co-branding ? If that was the ONLY choice OR you were made to go to another page to get to the plain JDK, I would complain.

    Look at it from sun’s point of view : Netbeans is probably the best IDE for the whole of JDK — (Eclipse falls short on SWING support). If Eclipse had good SWING support, then I’m sure that Sun didn’t have to peddle Netbeans as much as it does today.

    Also, today, Netbeans is NOT as bad as even 6 months ago. Getting an AppServer, JDK and an IDE in a single bundle looks like a good idea to me unless the IDE is really crap(which it was 1 year ago but not TODAY)


  10. ksi Says:

    imo, co-branding > *

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