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Feb 23

Andy making a “Case for Mail Services” in JBoss

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Andy Oliver has put together a Case for Mail Services, the new JBoss project.

It is very interesting to see JBoss branch out in this manner, using its JMX Microkernel for the base of a mail server.

Will Andy and team be able to come up with something “better” than the current open source and commercial tools? Will JBoss show to be a good base for something such as your email? Will Linux Sysadmins take to it (they are not used to this!). Time will tell.

The best parts of the documents for me were:

- Spam Tools: They wish to be groundbreaking in this area, via mail routing, common antispam methods, extending existing mail standards, and working with popular open source mail clients

This would be great. I hope they implement Reverse MX to make sure that you may be [email protected], since you are emailing from a microsoft.com domain.

I also look forward to simple support for PGP on authentication and encryption. How many POP/IMAP clients are going over plain text channels every 5 minutes sending their user/pass combination!

It would also be cool to support a challenge system such as SpamArrest.

If we put all of these ideas together, maybe we can do something big against the spammers.

Good luck to anyone in that arena!

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